The Offenses 3rd Down Conversion Percentage is .455, that’s 18th in FCS
4th Down Conversions is #1 in FCS...2 for 2, still #1
Completion Percentage is #66, at 67% top 50 is only 2% Difference!!
Offensive 1st downs is 70th at 98, with top 50 being only 10 1st downs away
Here’s my 2 Favorite!!!
Red zone Offense is #9 in the Country in FCS!!! At .947%!!
Think about this from the last few years and realize what growth these guys have had and the impact Coach Holder has had...Sacks Allowed 1.20 per game making the OL and Jimmy a top 25 (23rd) team in sacks allowed. Top 10 is 1!!
These boys will put it together real soon as a team. I feel it coming sooner rather than later and it maybe the Battle on the Bluff that starts the turnaround!!!
4th Down Conversions is #1 in FCS...2 for 2, still #1
Completion Percentage is #66, at 67% top 50 is only 2% Difference!!
Offensive 1st downs is 70th at 98, with top 50 being only 10 1st downs away
Here’s my 2 Favorite!!!
Red zone Offense is #9 in the Country in FCS!!! At .947%!!
Think about this from the last few years and realize what growth these guys have had and the impact Coach Holder has had...Sacks Allowed 1.20 per game making the OL and Jimmy a top 25 (23rd) team in sacks allowed. Top 10 is 1!!
These boys will put it together real soon as a team. I feel it coming sooner rather than later and it maybe the Battle on the Bluff that starts the turnaround!!!