What's Up with Joe Hugley???


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2015
Does anyone (jayson, Chris Cappella, etc...) know what is up with Hugley? Is he being redshirted? Is he injured? Is he being redshirted because he's injured? What's his injury? If he is coming back, when will he??


Go Bobby MO
Kind of a mystery. I think he is injured and working his way back but I don't know exactly what and how long he'll be out. He has yet to even be in uniform this season.
Kind of a mystery. I think he is injured and working his way back but I don't know exactly what and how long he'll be out. He has yet to even be in uniform this season.

Thanks for the reply...

Would like to see him play he's 6-7 with a long wingspan.

Jay-Frank- can you ask Toole or someone about this?? How he's progressing and if/ how soon till seeing the court???

go RMU