RMU Football Game Day Show


Oct 24, 2011
The annual Robert Morris Football live game day show with be this Saturday, September 24th. Here is a list of the guests joining Chris Shovlin & Brian Cleary:
5-5:15 pm (President Dr. Christopher Howard)
5:30-5:45 pm (Drew McMinn - head men's lacrosse coach)
6-6:15 pm (Katy Phillips - head women's lacrosse coach)
6:15-6:30 pm (AD/Softball Coach Dr. Craig Coleman)

Please tune into 970 ESPN which can be found on both 970 AM and 106.3 FM in Pittsburgh.
The RMU Football vs Malone Pre-Game LIVE Show with start following the Dr. Coleman interview.
Thanks for the reminder, that will be a great listen. Really looking forward to Dr. Howard and Drew. Lacrosse is a sport I really think was making great strides a few years ago. It is also a sport that can spread the RMU brand to certain markets, much like Ice Hockey has.

Also, for other members of the board that haven't listened, Shov and Cleary do a great job with the radio call for the games if you are not at the game or by a computer to watch. The IHeart app also works great for those away from the area.
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Great pregame show and a lot of insight in RMU and Colonial Athletics. Hope the bball guys caught the talk on the possibility of a new gym. Sounds like its close.