New President's thoughts on RMU athletics


Active Member
Nov 3, 2011
I used to post every once in a while here when Andrew ran the site. I fell away after he gave it to Rivals. I lurk often. But I'm just wondering. Has RMU's new president weighed in on where he'd like to see RMU's athletics go? I know about the talk of a new convocation center to replace Sewall, but what if anything has he said beyond that? Thanks.
Hey Pierre,

Good to hear from you!

From his public comments, I would say that President Chris Howard will be as supportive of athletics as President Dell' Omo was. He has mentioned that RMU is nationally known due to its athletic teams. He has also mentioned how he very much benefitted from being an athlete, in addition to being a student, in college.
And, as you mentioned, he often talks about building a new home for basketball and other sports.